On 9/22/09 11:59 AM, "Truman Adkins"
<trumanadkins@*^%&$$%^.com> wrote:
…..in the year 1991 did you live on Pine Street in San Francisco?
I was cleaning out a drawer the other night and found an envelope containing a number of exquisite photos in black and white, taken with a two and a quarter, made into post cards, a story on the back of each one. The return address said "note new address".
I believe this was related to a post card/photography group centered around a photo mag I subscribed to at the time. If this is you, I hope you will please accept my thanks for this wonderful gift that had completely left my mind, but now fills me with warmth and appreciation.
Have a nice day.
Truman Adkins
Fieldale, Virginia
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 14:03:48 -0700
Subject: Re: By any chance......
From: stephen@stephenzeigler.com
To: trumanadkins@^&%$#!.com
Re: By any chance...... Hello Truman!
WOW! This is probably the coolest email I think I have ever received. Especially since it’s regarding images I made before email ever really existed.
To be honest I have no recollection of sending you any postcards although in 1991 I was crazy for mail art and making postcards and I have no idea how many or to where they were mailed to.
I know that if I had an address it got something mailed to it.
Was the mag “Shots” photoZine? I know I sent that guy a lot of cards as well as others from there I would correspond with.
Truman, thank you for getting in touch and sharing.
I would love to make a blog entry out of this.
Would it be possible for you to scan a few of the cards for me?
May I have permission to reprint your email on my blog?
Would love to leave your name on it though if that’s cool?
I think you just made my year!
On 9/22/09 6:35 PM, "Truman Adkins" <trumanadkins@.#$%*#.com> wrote:
Yes, it was Shorts, I still have copies of that on the shelf.
I am so happy that I was able to connect with you on the first try! Damn that is amazing. I will scan those photos tomorrow and send them to you. I think it is a testament to creation, the written word, the image. All those things.
Please feel free to blog about it, you can use me name and location, it is a small town but I'm real proud to be from here. Include whatever you want.
This makes today a good one.
On 9/22/09 6:35 PM, "Truman Adkins" <trumanadkins@.#$%*#.com> wrote:
I scanned all 12, front and back, and the envelope, will attach as many as I can and send them along.
I have them numbered so the first number is the photo and the second number is the side.

Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 11:06AM
Subject: Re: By any chance......
From: stephen@stephenzeigler.com
To: trumanadkins@^&%$#!.com
Hey Truman,
Thanks for this walk down amnesia lane.
Wow what a trip. I only have vague recollections of making these.
I remember being really into native american symbols back then...still interested in symbols now...
Mostly south east asian and Tibetan buddhist symbols.
My hand writing and spelling haven’t changed a bit....sadly.
Again, thanks so much for this Truman.
I’ll let you know when the blog post is up.
The very best to you,
Date: Thursday, 24 Sep 2009 3:53PM
Subject: Re: By any chance......
From: stephen@stephenzeigler.com
To: trumanadkins@^&%$#!.com
Hey Truman,
The blog post is up.
Thanks for this.
This is a great story! I have enjoyed reading your blog, and the wonderful photos.
I remember so many of those photos. It took me down memory lane too...
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