Sunday, January 18, 2009

Suburban vernacular photography at it's finest

I love found photography and what the snap shot has to say about us and what people found important enough to document and immortalize. The wife and I are always visiting flea markets and thrifts stores where she finds vintage Gucci bags and mid-century furniture and I find old Polaroids of recent parolees smiling outside prison gates and families gathered around their 1970's Christmas tree that's been decorated like a cupcake.

I heard a quote the other day that went something like:

"We have a birth certificate to show that we were born and a death certificate to show that we died. Photographs show that we lived."

I would add to that "they also show that we wore rad shorts and idolized Eddie Van Halen."

This is my good friend Craig, who in 1985 smoked a lot of pot, grew a baby teenage mustache, and learned to play Eruption as if he were Eddie's bastard child.

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