Tuesday, June 17, 2008

DIY art zine

I love how easy it is these days to have your own photo/art book made. Before Blurb and all the other online book publishers, there were zines....handmade, DIY, little book/magazines created in bedrooms, garages, and at local copy centers. They were sold super cheap and in small circulation at indie record stores and book shops. In 1989, I bought three of these xeroxed jobs by (then) little known artist Raymond Pettibon, at a record store in Hermosa Beach for a $1.50 each. I was in Venice Beach recently, where I saw the same copies for sale at Equator Books for $300 a piece.

Needless to say, I was quite pleased when Scott Richards, (art director, artist, friend, and all around good guy) put together a limited edition, photocopied & hand stitched art-zine and included a few of my photos. Here's a sample of some of my favorites:

in order from L to R:
Randy Noboribawa, Brian Craighill, Scott Massey, Justin "biscuit" Bauer, SZ, Scott Richards, Alex "krusty" Brastev, Jason Danhoff
Cover by Scott Richards

1 comment:

Alex Krastev said...

Hi Stephen,

I saw the zine that SR put together last year on your Blog.
How Rad!
Hope we're going to make a fresh new one!
I am one of the artist there Alex- "Krastee" Krastev.
Please take a look at the rest of my paintings on my blog, that I am still in progress of putting together.